WYTECH Pharmaceuticals is proud to introduce for the first time in Indian Market, a new innovation in terms of mouth dissolving tablets of WYSTALO -LS (MOUTH DISSOLVING TABLETS- A NOVEL DRUG DELIVERY SYSTEM FOR COMBINATION OF ESCITALOPRAM AND CLONAZEPAM ).These tablets disintegrate and dissolve rapidly in the saliva, and there is no need of water to swallow the tablet.
WYSTALO -LS offers many advantages like
- WYSTALO -LS has the unique property of rapidly dissolving and releasing the drug as soon as it come in contact with saliva,dissolution and absorption of drug is fast, offering rapid onset of action.
- Bioavailability of drugs is increased as some drugs is absorbed from mouth, pharynx and esophagus through saliva while passing down into the stomach.
- First pass metabolism is reduced, thus offers improved bio-availability and thus reduced dose and side effects.
- Free of risk of suffocation due to physical obstruction when swallowed, thus offers improved safety.
- Can be easily administered to elderly and mentally disabled patients.
- Allows high drug loading.
- Suitable for geriatric, and bedridden patients.
- Suitable for active patients who are busy or travelling and may not have access to water.
- Offers improved patient compliance with ALL PATIENTS